Download the poster explaining the Devil's Advocate interview protocol.

The Devil’s Advocate interview protocol consists of three questions. First, an expression attitude question in which the interviewee is asked to whether s/he is in favour or against the opinion-topic, e.g. “Are you in favour or against Covid vaccinations?” Second, an eliciting-opinion question in which the interviewee is invited to report the arguments in favour of the view s/he just expressed, e.g. “OK, you say to be in favour of Covid vaccinations. Please can you tell me all the reasons you can think of that led you to having this opinion?” Third, the Devil’s Advocate question, in which the interviewee is invited to report arguments against the view s/he just expressed. “OK, now try to play the devil’s advocate and imagine that you are against Covid vaccinations. Please tell me all the reasons you can think of that goes against Covid vaccinations?

  • Step 1: Ask an expression attitude question (“Are you in favour or against Covid vaccinations?”)
  • Step 2: Ask an eliciting-opinion question (“OK, you say to be in favour of Covid vaccinations. Please can you tell me all the reasons you can think of that led you to having this opinion?”
  • Step 3: Ask the Devil’s Advocate question (“OK, now try to play the devil’s advocate and imagine that you are against Covid vaccinations. Please tell me all the reasons you can think of that goes against Covid vaccinations?”)
  • Step 4: Compare the answers to the eliciting-opinion and devil’s advocate questions

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